#275: External panelize no have exit point
  Reporter:  angel_il  |       Owner:         
      Type:  defect    |      Status:  new    
  Priority:  minor     |   Milestone:
 Component:  mc-core   |     Version:  4.6.2  
Resolution:            |    Keywords:         
  Blocking:            |   Blockedby:         
Description changed by angel_il:

Old description:

> External panelize no have exit point ".." to leave panelize.
> in mc:
>  $ mkdir /tmp/test1
>  $ cd /tmp/test1
>  $ touch test.txt
> click menu:
> Command / eXternal panelize
> select:
> Field "Command"
> input ls
> cliick [ Add new ]
> in field
> Enter command label:
> input ls
> click [< OK >]
> click menu:
> Command / eXternal panelize
> select ls in list
> click [< Panelize >]
> in current panel you have "test.txt"
> and not ".." to exit from this list.

New description:

 External panelize no have exit point ".." to leave panelize.

 in mc:

  $ mkdir /tmp/test1
  $ cd /tmp/test1
  $ touch test.txt

 click menu:
 Command / eXternal panelize

 Field "Command"
 input ls

 click [ Add new ]

 in field
 Enter command label:
 input ls

 click [< OK >]

 click menu:
 Command / eXternal panelize

 select ls in list
 click [< Panelize >]

 in current panel you have "test.txt"
 and not ".." to exit from this list.


Ticket URL: <www.midnight-commander.org/ticket/275#comment:1>
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