#279: Autorename when copying/moving files
 Reporter:  styx         |       Owner:       
     Type:  enhancement  |      Status:  new  
 Priority:  major        |   Milestone:  4.7  
Component:  mc-core      |     Version:  4.6.2
 Keywords:               |    Blocking:       
Blockedby:               |  
 When files with the same names already exists, should be a button, to copy
 the files with autorenaming.

 result: file.txt, 2.file.txt 3.file.txt 4.file.txt
 or: file.txt, file.txt.2 file.txt.3 file.txt.4
 or: file.txt, file(2).txt file(3).txt file(4).txt
 maybe user should have a posibility to set a rule how to rename via regexp
 or something like that.

Ticket URL: <www.midnight-commander.org/ticket/279>
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