On Thu, 25 Jun 2009 11:12:08 +0300
Kevin Wilson <wkev...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Hello,  mc developers list,
> I saw that in http://www.midnight-commander.org/downloads/ that there is
> a patch for utf8 support for mc; it is mc-4.6.2-utf8.patch.gz.
> Now, I downloaded the mc-4.6.2.tar.gz and build it; can somebody advice
> how to apply the patch ? I am a newbie about patches. When opening the
> mc-4.6.2-utf8.patch.gz, I get two folders: one is PATCH-CREATE and one
> is a. I am not sure what does this mean.  Each folder contains some
> *.diff files.
> I also saw that there is a git repository for the utf8.
> If somebody can tell me what the URL for downloading this utf8 git repository
> it could be helpful (namely, what should I add to "git clone ...." so
> that I will download the utf8 branch) ?

Hi Kevin! I'd recommend to try git version of mc.
Main page at http://midnight-commander.org/ contains direct URLs to clone:
    $ git clone git://midnight-commander.org/git/mc.git # git proto, more 
bandwidth efficient
    $ git clone http://git.midnight-commander.org/mc.git # http proto
    $ cd mc
(Can't find prerequisites page at wiki. You need a bunch of developer's heareds)
After clone you need to generate ./configure:
    $ ./autogen.sh
the rest of procedure is standard:
    $ ./configure <optional-args>
    $ make
    $ make install
To sync source repo you can run
    $ git pull
in mc source root directory time to time.



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