
I rebuilt mc from newer git (two days ago) and I see
a somewhat subtle effect.

On screen updates, mc now "flickers".

The simplest way to see it is to open a large xterm window
with mc file view (it is less noticeable on text consoles),
press and hold Ctrl-R (refresh).

In mc built from git a month ago or so, or in some old releases,
nothing noticeable happens. In new mc, I see cursor appearing
randomly in the panel, with the rest of line after cursor cleared
and painted black. It happens on random lines and quickly disappears
and reappears. It happens so often and takes so much time
that Ctrl-R redraw cannot keep up with keyboard repeat -
I release the keys but redraws continue for several seconds.

This effect is not limited to Ctrl-R, it's just the easiest way to see  it.
I see it all the time when screen is updated. For example,
if I stand on a text file and press F4, Esc, F4, Esc repeatedly.
And I do not see it with old mc in this case too.

Does anybody else see this?
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