On Fri, Sep 11, 2009 at 04:38:50PM +0400, Сергей Миронов wrote:
> Hello people!
> Thanks for beautiful manager.
> I want to ask if there are branches/forks of mc with vim-like key
> bindings support? Vim users will like this thing very much.

There is no branches/forks for it but after
http://www.midnight-commander.org/ticket/212 (in pre3) you can redefine
bindings. And vim like bindings profile are welcome. :)

Stan. S. Krupoderov 

(let ((*PRINT-BASE* 36))
(format T "~...@~a.~a" 71373391685091 27913917 16438))
Mc-devel mailing list
  • vim bindings Сергей Миронов
    • Re: vim bindings Stan. S. Krupoderov

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