Slava Zanko:

>Hmm... looks like no have permissions for change your ~/.mc/history file.

And you are right with this. 'root root 0600' for history.

>Do you use Ubuntu? Or is you run mc as 'sudo mc' instread of 'sudo su -l
>- -c mc'?

I'm using Gentoo which offers only the 4.7.0* at the moment for mc. And
yes, sometimes i use 'sudo mc' to edit e.g. something in /etc.

>try to change owner of your 'history' file and try again.

I have deleted history and also filepos which had 'root root 0644'. As
far i can see at the moment all seems to work well now.

And even 'sudo mc' doesn't change the ownership of history or filepos. :)

>P.S. 4.7.0-pre4 don't change owner of ~/.mc files. But if owner was
>changed before this release, then this situation may be raised. In
>opposite, if ~/.mc/* files will have proper owner, then 4.7.0-pre4 will
>not change owner of these files.

It's likely that i have had all previous versions of 4.7.0* on my
machine. One of them may have caused the behavior.

Hartmut, happy again

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