On Wed, Feb 17, 2010 at 08:16:27PM +0100, Morten Bo Johansen wrote:
> Slava Zanko <slavaza...@gmail.com> wrote:
> > 17.02.2010 18:57, Morten Bo Johansen wrote:
> >>> Now mc registered on Transifex: http://www.transifex.net/projects/p/mc/
> >>> I hope this will facilitate the work of translators...
> >> Why not register with the Translation Project,
> >> http://translationproject.org/ ? 
> > IMHO, Transifex more convenient service.
> Convenient for whom? I see that Transifix includes a web based editor. I
> suppose that might appeal to some newbies that have no prerequisites with
> the gettext tools or knowledge of the po-file format. However, the real
> downside of a project like Transifix, as I see it, is that it addresses
> individuals whereas the Translation Project (TR) targets translation
> teams. TR already has a huge number og translation teams hooked up and
> notifications of new versions of po-files are sent to the mailing list of
> those teams. Translations are usually peer reviewed on the mailing list
> and adhere to the rules and policies for specific and general translation
> that have been agreed on by the members. To me that means a great
> advantage over Transifix in terms of the quality, consistency and
> longterm maintainence of the translations. Furthermore the TR has existed
> and worked well for many, many years now.
100% agree and I could add that, generally speaking, stranslating is _not_ 
only a linguistic exercise.
Usually (especially with MC) you have to cope with context meaning, shortcut 
keys clashing, space contraints, etc.
So, to do a good job, you can't avoid the compilation, install, test phases 
_before_ committing a translation, and a web interface usually means the 
distruction of a good and hard work.



Marco Ciampa

| Linux User  #78271 |
| FSFE fellow   #364 |
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