On Mon, 13 Sep 2010 08:47:30 +0200 Enrico Weigelt wrote:
> > 1775_mvfs_9P
> > 1775_mvfs_9P_2
> > 1775_mvfs_9P_3
> > DEV_mvfs_fish
> > DEV_mvfs_local
> > METUX.mvfs
> Work in progress. I'll assign it to proper ticket when it passed 
> test cycles.

Do you really need these tons of branches for one task?

> > MC dev team doesn't have any plans to use this unknown library. 
> Did you do any one vote on that or do you now rule alone here ?

We discussed about that in Jabber room and in this list.

> > Please remove that branches yourself and please don't push any
> > mvfs-related code to the mc repo. Else your write access to the
> > mc repo will be disabled.
> Are you sure you're officially authorized to impose those threats ?

I'm one of current MC developers.

> Did you check back with the guy who sponsors the infrastructure ?

Are you one of that sponsors?

> And do you think this is an appropriate reward for one of the 
> people who practically revived mc from death ?

And who are that people?

> > If you develop the mc fork, please don't that in official mc server.
> In case you still didn't notice: the mvfs stuff was meant for
> upstream on day one.


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