On 2/19/16, Yury V. Zaytsev <y...@shurup.com> wrote:
> [...] I've finished the integration
> script and the results are available at the following URL:
>      http://source.midnight-commander.org

Superb! Thanks!

minor comments:

- GLOBAL ignores dot-files and dot-directories, so you can install it
in ".global" instead of "CVS".

- Right now the header on the front page (index.html) is "mc". We can
change it by running htags thus:

    htags --suggest -t "Welcome to the Midnight Commander source tour!"

(BTW, it's possible to tell htags to make the front page (index.html)
show all the files in a collapsible JavaScript tree (by adding the
option `--tree-view=filetree`). But this makes the front page 96K
instead of just 13K and the browser will also download an uncompressed
jquery.js (161K) so I don't know if we should enable this feature.)

> If that looks fine to you, maybe we should put it somewhere on the Trac,

Put what on Trac? A link to http://source.mc.org? Sure.

We also need to add to the front page of http://source.mc.org a short
introductory text pointing to the main site (and to the instructions
for producing the HTML on one's own computer). Leave it to me: I'll
investigate this and provide a patch in a couple of days.
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