On Tue, 17 Mar 2020 20:50:49 -0400 Felix Miata via mc-devel 
<mc-devel@gnome.org> wrote:
> It's only happened on this one so far that I can remember:
> <http://archive.mozilla.org/pub/firefox/releases/68.6.0esr/linux-x86_64/en-US/firefox-68.6.0esr.tar.bz2>
> Others I've checked from mozilla.org are handled normally.
> Tar has no such problem.

The most part of tar source code in MC is very old (end of 1990s or beginning 
of 2000s)
and doesn't support some modern tar features.

In the case of firefox-68.6.0esr.tar.bz2, MC's tar vfs ignores extended headers
which contain the mtime of file in tar archive. The mtime field in POSIX header
is 0, therefore you can see the the 1 Jan 1970 in MC file panel.

> Is this a known issue? I've not been able to find anything on point among 
> tickets
> on https://midnight-commander.org/

Probably, the main tar ticket is https://midnight-commander.org/ticket/1952.

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