>>>>> "radek" == radek kosciuk <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

    radek> Hi
    radek> I wanted to ask about midnight commander, because I cant find it over the
    radek> net, version for win32. Do I have to compile linux version to make it work?
    radek> if so how? :))

With the patch below for

 o mc-4.5.51 - http://www.gnome.org/ - http://www.gnome.org/start/installing/

it compiles OOTB.
The strange thing is that entering archive files like .tar/.tar.gz/.zip etc.
is not working anymore in my environment. :-((

It used to work a long time ago (cygwin b20.1). Now pressing RETURN on an archive
file calls in my case always the editor (specified by EDITOR env var)
and opens that file in the editor.

Anyway here the patch. Can you please comment back if entering archives works for you.
Or is anybody else using mc and sees this behaviour ?

diff -upr /gnu/mc-4.5.51/doc/Makefile.in mc-4.5.51/doc/Makefile.in
--- /gnu/mc-4.5.51/doc/Makefile.in	Mon Jul  3 16:32:02 2000
+++ mc-4.5.51/doc/Makefile.in	Fri Mar  9 11:10:25 2001
@@ -15,8 +15,8 @@ LINUXDOCDIR =	/usr/local/linuxdoc-sgml
-	$(MKINSTALLDIRS) $(DESTDIR)/$(man1dir)
-	$(MKINSTALLDIRS) $(DESTDIR)/$(man8dir)
 	-$(SEDCMD2) < mc.1 > $(DESTDIR)$(man1dir)/$(manprefix)mc.$(manext)
 	-$(SEDCMD2) < mcedit.1 > $(DESTDIR)$(man1dir)/$(manprefix)mcedit.$(manext)
 	-$(SEDCMD2) < mcserv.8 > $(DESTDIR)$(man8dir)/$(manprefix)mcserv.$(man8ext)
diff -upr /gnu/mc-4.5.51/src/Makefile.in mc-4.5.51/src/Makefile.in
--- /gnu/mc-4.5.51/src/Makefile.in	Mon Jul  3 16:32:11 2000
+++ mc-4.5.51/src/Makefile.in	Fri Mar  9 10:42:14 2001
@@ -81,7 +81,7 @@ mfmt: mfmt.o
 	$(CC) $(LDFLAGS) mfmt.o -o mfmt 
 mcmfmt: mfmt
-	cp mfmt mcmfmt
+	cp mfmt.exe mcmfmt
 	cd ../vfs; $(MAKE) libvfs-mc.a
diff -upr /gnu/mc-4.5.51/src/subshell.c mc-4.5.51/src/subshell.c
--- /gnu/mc-4.5.51/src/subshell.c	Mon Jul  3 16:32:08 2000
+++ mc-4.5.51/src/subshell.c	Fri Mar  9 11:01:27 2001
@@ -62,7 +62,7 @@
 #   define WIFEXITED(stat_val) (((stat_val) & 255) == 0)
+#if defined(HAVE_GRANTPT) && !defined(__CYGWIN__)
 #   include <stropts.h> /* For I_PUSH			      */
 #   include <grp.h>	/* For the group struct & getgrnam()  */
@@ -268,7 +268,7 @@ void init_subshell (void)
 	/* }}} */
 	/* {{{ Create a pipe for receiving the subshell's CWD */
+#ifndef __CYGWIN__
 	if (subshell_type == TCSH)
 	    g_snprintf (tcsh_fifo, sizeof (tcsh_fifo), "/tmp/mc.pipe.%d", getpid ());
@@ -291,6 +291,7 @@ void init_subshell (void)
 	else  /* subshell_type is BASH or ZSH */
 	    if (pipe (subshell_pipe))
 		perror (__FILE__": couldn't create pipe");
@@ -376,7 +377,7 @@ void init_subshell (void)
 	/* Set the pty's size (80x25 by default on Linux) according to the */
 	/* size of the real terminal as calculated by ncurses, if possible */
-#	if defined TIOCSWINSZ && !defined SCO_FLAVOR
+#	if defined TIOCSWINSZ && !defined SCO_FLAVOR && !defined __CYGWIN__
 	    struct winsize tty_size;
 	    tty_size.ws_row = LINES;

    radek> thanks

    radek> radek


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