Hello, Frédéric!

> My proposal is to register a domain name (midnightcommander.net
> or midnightcommander.org) and host it at
> http://www.portland.co.uk/ , a free web service that supports
> MySQL, PHP, and the only that doesn't use banner ads. I don't
> have the resources to host sites, but if you have a better idea
> or the resources, just let us know. I'm willing to be the
> billing address. http://gandi.net/ could be the registrar.

Thanks for your offer! Frankly, I'm not sure if we want all that.

> And Pavel Roskin would create http://mc.sourceforge.net/ . I
> think SourceForge could be used for at least CVS, FTP, and
> mailing-lists.

Actually, I would rather create a project on http://savannah.gnu.org/ -
it's a SourceForge clone for GNU software. It was created recently, and
the existing GNU projects are still migrating to Savannah. MC would fit

> Don't forget we also have http://www.gnu.org/software/mc/

All the pages on www.gnu.org are now edited through CVS. In order to get
access to that page, I'll have to register the project on savannah.gnu.org
- it should be harmless even if we decide to host MC somewhere else.

Unless there are any serious objections, I'm going to register MC on
savannah.gnu.org in order to get access to that page. Of course, if Miguel
wants to register the project, he has the priority.

> BTW, is Midnight Commander still GNU ? Maybe the official FTP
> site could be ftp://ftp.gnu.org/gnu/mc/ and SourceForge a
> mirror ? Otherwise, mc.README should be in /gnu/ and /gnu/mc/
> removed.

I think that if MC is not tied to GNOME or any other bigger project it can
be distributed from gnu.org.

Pavel Roskin

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