On Fri, 20 Apr 2001, Pavel Machek wrote:

> > I have found two levels of vfs logic - one that is called directly from
> > entries in the vfs structure and one that uses vfs_s_* (routines in
> > direntry.c).  I am using vfs_s routines because I think that is sufficient

> Second is "vfs_s_*" level. It is completely unsuitable for some stuff
> (like local filesystem), because it does caching. It is however
> suitable for you. It was not meant as interface, and it is not
> neccessarily nice (see difference of ftpfs vs. tarfs -- one uses tree
> of entries/inodes and one uses single-level fake-tree). ("basic" level

'Not meant as an interface' ?? - maybe not, but it sure looks like one

> is expected to be nice). If you want to see how vfs_s_ level is
> expected to work, I'd suggest you read fish.

Already done that once - I was hoping that someone actually wrote up some
kind of functional description, since the use and sequence of the 2
levels, what calls do what and what data structures are needed and built
how and when is pretty complex.

Since you seem to have written it, given a few years ago - is there any
more details what you have already written up ?  Or should I just do that
and, then can I get your comments on it ?

Later ...

Rich Roth --- On-the-Net

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