So sprach Zak McGregor am Thu, May 24, 2001 at 11:39:45PM +0200:
> I don't - but that's too bad I guess ;-)
> If I've saved a document via a gconf-aware app, and I want to gzip it
> for emailing (from an rxvt or something), what then?
> Symlinks are there for a reason, I wonder what? <eg>

Uh, what are we talking about?

IIRC, the proposed plan is like this:

- In GConf there'll be a mapping from GNOME Directory Names to paths. 
Something like:

        GNOME Direcotry Name: Document Folder
        path: ~/Dokumente

- At the first start of GNOME, some kind of tool will create those folders
according to some defaults a user chooses. (~/Dokumente will be created)

- People will be able to re-run this tool to change stuff.  For example, a
user might decide that ~/Dokumente is not such a nice name, and that
~/MeineDateien is much nicer.  The tool will then move ~/Dokumente to
~/MeineDateien.  ~/Dokumente is gone afterwards.

That's it?

If so, then I don't see your problem.

The problem is, that some people here want to keep the old ~/Dokumente
folder.  Correct?  If so, then a symlink from MeineDateien to Dokumente
should be set, yes.

But I would not like the link.  It clutters the home directory without
adding all that much, I think.

Alexander Skwar
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