> From: Juergen Fiedler <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

> I am trying to get the following menu item to work:
> ---
> = t d
> U       Unmount current directory
>         cd ..
>         umount %d
> ---
> Somehow, the 'cd' does not seem to work. If I select the menu item from
> within the /rio folder, I get:
> ---  
> juergen@aquarius:/rio$ /tmp/mcusrjxZQvd
> umount: /rio: device is busy
> ---
> So the script changes to /, but mc stays in /rio

> Does anyone know how I could make a menu item that unmounts the current
> directory?

    What I *think* happens is that the cd command is executed in a
    forked off shell. You need to execute it without forking. Try
    replacing the "cd .." line with "exec cd .."

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