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> Hi, MC users:  I want to install Midnight Commander in my Sparc
> workstation with SunOS 5.  Yet I met some problems.  I do "sh
> configure", "make", "make install" in turn. And the first two steps go
> smoothly.  When I "make install", there are some error messages:
> make: Fatal error: Don't know how to make target "install-data-local" 
> Current working directory /tmp/.../mc-4.5.55/doc-gnome/C
> ***Error code 1

I'm assuming you are using version 4.5.55.  You should try version 
4.6.0-pre1 or the latest snapshot.  This problem was fixed by removing 
doc-gnome directory.

> And although i can run mc now, i have only black and white interface in
> xterm or cshell, not a colored one. 

This bug was also fixed after 4.5.55 and before 4.6.0-pre1.

> And i can't do drag & drop with mouse in MC. 

This still doesn't work and I don't think it will ever work.

> Any of you have had the same experience as I? and any solution to it? 

I remember seeing similar reports about failures in the "doc-gnome"  

Pavel Roskin

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