> I meant this phrase:
>   BTW, "File associations"  is more right name for "Extension File".

Ah, OK. It doesn't matter to me personally how you call it, as long as it works.

> Check this thread:
> http://mail.gnome.org/archives/mc-devel/2002-July/msg00097.html
> Just because users are free to modify config files it doesn't mean they
> won't request changes in the default config files.

So, your strategy seems to be, keep mc plain and dumb, so users don't ask for more? 
How wonderful. 

The proposals in the message you quoted are quite meaningful. This has nothing in 
common with a "let's paint mp3s green" stuff that you spoke so arrogantly about. The 
person suggests the changes not because he likes them personally, but because he 
thinks they will be better defaults for everyone. What's wrong with that? After all, 
making a change to the default config files will take much less of your precious time 
than implementing a feature.

> Another example:
> http://mail.gnome.org/archives/mc-devel/2002-February/msg00025.html
> http://mail.gnome.org/archives/mc-devel/2002-July/msg00073.html
> http://mail.gnome.org/archives/mc-devel/2002-July/msg00080.html

If a person not only changes his/her personal config so that, say, xyz files are 
handled by an xyzplayer, but takes time to suggest this change in this list, don't you 
think this is because s/he knows something about xyz files and the best ways to handle 
them? Didn't this occur to you? Why not benefit from this shared knowledge that you 
might not have obtained otherwise?

> > >  And we only have 16 colors, some (most!) of which are already taken
> > > (black - pipe, magenta - device, green - executable, red - core etc).
> > 
> > Oh my, it never occurred to me that 4 is "most!" of 16.
> I didn't try to send a complete list.

No matter how you count, MOST colors are still available for file coloring. 

> Try to persuade Russell, who believes that you can already do this in
> 4.5.55.  

Russel obviously misunderstood my post. Yes, 4.5.55 can change the colors of some 
things, but NOT of arbitrarily defined file types. The file types hard-coded into mc 
are not too useful because they only cover a few basic cases.

> Or work on the features that users actually request.

This is what I'm doing - I work on the features I (a user) actually request. When I 
implement a feature that, in my opinion, might be useful for anyone else, I share it 
here. And, guess what, I don't expect the maintainers of this program to behave like 
they are trying to "protect" it from "intrusion".

Also, please remember that I didn't write this patch, I only extended it. It was 
written by someone else. This means there are at least two persons who need this 
feature badly enough to spend their time actually coding it (and posting it here). 
Doesn't that tell you something?

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