Hello, Rick!

> This is newbie question, but I've read the FAQ and I still can't get mc to
> display correctly.

Next time please specify the version of mc and your OS.  The output of "mc
-V" can also be useful.

> I am running cywin32 (latest version as of two days ago) on a Win2k system.
> When I fire up mc in an xterm window I get the correct rendering of the lines,
> but the arrow and function keys get misinterpreted about every third or fourth
> keystroke (i.e. the down arrow shows up on the command line as "B", the up
> arrow as "A", etc.).

It looks like a bug in xterm.  Try using "Learn Keys" from the mc menu to
teach mc the arrow keys.

> If I run mc in a bash session then I don't get the correct line drawing (but at
> least the keyboard is handled correctly).

I believe you should add CYGWIN=codepage:oem to the environment.  And of
course you can always use "mc -a" if it doesn't help, although it won't be

Pavel Roskin
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