On Mon, Mar 10, 2003 at 02:52:44AM -0500, Pavel Roskin wrote:
> Hello!
> > I've looked in the manual, and in the FAQ, but I can't find how to
> > change the key bindings of mc (version 4.6.0). What I want is to be
> > able to use tab completion in the command line with tab, as my fingers
> > do that automatically.
> Sorry, the only way to do it is to redefine Tab as M-Tab in "Learn Keys",
> but then Tab will stop working in dialogs.

There's no Tab in Learn Keys, only M-Tab, and I'm not allowed to
redefine it as Tab.  ("Cannot accept this key.  You have entered '^i'.")
So I guess I'll have to learn the keys used in mc or change the source.

> I'm adding this to the mc FAQ:
> 2.8 How do I change the key bindings?
>    There is no generic way to reconfigure the key bindings.  You can use
>    the "Learn Keys" dialog to assign keys to some actions listed in that
>    dialog.  However, most actions cannot be redefined to use different
>    keys.

What would be nice is if it would be possible to change any key in this


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