Few days ago, one guy on debian-russian mailing list gave me a Debian
depository address (http://syavad.narod.ru/), which contains MC with UTF-8
support. It works, great! Thanks russian folks. And after that, I decided
to translate this my favorite file manager into my native language -
Vietnamese. They've translated it into many language, but my mother tongue.
I did it!
Check the attachment (or http://iatp.vspu.ac.ru/phan/transproj/vi.po.gz)
and also this "shot":
Still waiting for version 4.7 with *official* Unicode support.
One more question: As I see (in $MC-SOURCE/doc/Makefile.in) I need to
translate man page, and then use man2hlp to yield mc.hlp.vi file?

Thinh web: http://teppi.org/ Jabber: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Attachment: vi.po.gz
Description: application/gzip

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