On Mon, 27 Feb 2006, Tomasz Chmielewski wrote:

> Pavel Tsekov wrote:
> > On Mon, 27 Feb 2006, Tomasz Chmielewski wrote:
> >
> >> Pavel Tsekov wrote:
> >>> On Fri, 24 Feb 2006, Tomasz Chmielewski wrote:
> >>>
> >>>> I just cross-compiled mc for a Linux/mipsel/uClibc target.
> >>>>
> >>>> Everything runs fine, except the subshell (ctrl-o).
> >>> You should run MC under a debugger then. Start tracing at init_subshell().
> >>> Let us know about the results .
> >>>
> >>> P.S. Stracing might prove usefull too.
> >> I made a strace available at http://wpkg.org/mc.strace.gz
> >>
> >> It's about 4 kB compressed, 80 kB when uncompressed.
> >
> > The strace indicatest that subshell support is either not enabled at all
> > or that for some reason subshell support has been disabled at runtime...
> > There are several possible reasons that may lead to subshell support being
> > disabled at runtime - the most plausible one being MC is not able to
> > detect what kind of shell you are running. MC supports bash, zsh and tcsh.
> > It tries to look for the absolute path to the user's shell in the SHELL
> > environment variable and then in its password database entry.
> It is compiled in:
> # mc -V
> GNU Midnight Commander 4.6.1
> Virtual File System: tarfs, extfs, cpiofs, ftpfs, fish
> With builtin Editor
> Using included S-Lang library with terminfo database
> With support for background operations
> With mouse support on xterm

If subshell was compiled in the output of "mc -V" would include
the following line:

  "With subshell support as default"


  "With optional subshell support"

> # echo $SHELL
> /bin/bash
> # ls -l /bin/bash
> -rwxr-xr-x    1 root     root       890007 Feb 16 16:51 /bin/bash


> # cat /etc/passwd|grep root
> root:encrypted_password:0:0:root:/root:/bin/bash

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