
On Sun, 9 Jul 2006, Frank Dietrich wrote:

> when I access an FTP server which include in the directory
> listing the '.' and '..' entries I only see the directory name. When
> I change into this directory I only see the directory itself as an
> infinite loop.
> Example:
> - on the FTP server exist only the directory /SOURCE
> - cd /#ftp:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> - I see the directory SOURCE
> - cd SOURCE
> - I see only the directory SOURCE again (if I change into this
> directory I'm again one the step 'cd SOURCE' above)
> - if I copy a file to this directory, it will be saved on the right
> place, but it's also not visible in the mc file list
> - if I use a normal CLI ftp client and make an 'ls' I see
>  .
>  ..
> Maybe the mc stumbles on the '.' and '..' entries? How can I use mc
> with ftpfs and such server (I can't change anything on the server
> side)?

I tried it with MC from CVS but couldn't reproduce it. Would you mind
running MC with ftp logging enabled and sending the log file to the list ?
To enable logging use the -l option when running MC:

  -l, --ftplog=ARG       Log ftp dialog to specified file

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