I am nfs mounting a solaris partition from a Linux box.

In solaris, the share is configured thus:

share returns:
root=myLinux       /   rw=myLinux   ""

when the solaris knows of course myLinux in /etc/hosts.

from the myLinux machine it is mounted on /mnt/solaris thus:
mount |grep /mnt/solaris
ipOfSolaris:/ on /mnt/solaris type nfs (rw,soft,addr=ipOfSolaris)
when I try , from the linux machine ,from the gnome-terminal,  to copy
a file from solaris to linux with cp command - it is ok.

However,when I try the same with mc I get:

"cannot chown target file...operation not permitted"  when copying
from nfs shared partition"

NOTE: It does not seem to me a problem of file permissions - because for this
test I changed all to 777.

Any ideas?
is something missing in the nfs share maybe?
from man share_nfs (solaris):
Only root users from  the  hosts
                                 specified  in  access_list  have
                                 root  access.  See   access_list
                                 below.  By  default, no host has
                                 root access, so root  users  are
                                 mapped  to  an anonymous user ID
                                 (see   the    anon=uid    option
                                 described  above). Netgroups can
                                 be  used  if  the  file   system
                                 shared is using UNIX authentica-
                                 tion ( AUTH_SYS).

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