On Wed, 29 Nov 2006, Reynir Stefansson wrote:

>> Ping ? Have you tried the patch ?
>> On Tue, 21 Nov 2006, Pavel Tsekov wrote:
>>> Hello,
>>> On Fri, 17 Nov 2006, Reynir Stefansson wrote:
>>>> Moving mcedit's cursor by mouse appears to not update the cursor
>>>> position fully. Search/replace may still be using the old spot as
>>>> reference. This is in plain patchless mc 4.6.1. Temporary workaround:
>>>> Jiggle the cursor with the cursor keys after mousing.
>>> The attached patch should fix the problem. Please, give it a try.
>>> Thanks!
> Sorry I'm late. Been reading up on some Harry Potter fanfic. Was way
> behind and plum forgot the world exists.
> The patch did apply, though 'patch' muttered some invectives about
> having to shift the chunks about.

That's because my tree is heavily modified. That's one of the
reasons that I wanted the patch tests - to see if it holds all
necessary changes.

> First tests show that the patch works as intended. That makes it one
> less minor annoyance done away with. :-)
> The opposite bracket still glows if the cursor stood on a bracket when
> you moused away, but I see that as a wash-your-dog-first bug.

Hmmm. Ok I'll fix that. It's just that your original report didn't mention 
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