I sent this message on Saturday, and there were no responses yet.

Some further experiments here have raised the possibility that the problem 
is possibly not with MC but with xterm. However, the first response to my 
post today on the xorg forum about the problem has been that it must be a 
problem with MC :/

Here is what I recently discovered:

The problems (detailed below) go away if I run rxvt instead of xterm. 
However, there is another problem if I use rxvt. Although everything works 
just fine with Midnight Commander in the rxvt window, it is in practical 
terms not possible for me to use mcedit in such a window. The difficulty 
is that the cursor is black in mcedit in the rxvt window instead of a 
light grey as it should be and thus is practically invisible. I wonder, 
does anyone know how to fix _that_ ? Or have I run up against an inherent 
limitation of rxvt?

Theodore Kilgore

---------- Forwarded message ----------
Date: Sat, 26 May 2007 19:00:43 -0500 (CDT)
To: mc@gnome.org
Subject: how to repair nonfunctioning entries in extension bindings file?

I have just done some major upgrades. Now some, though definitely not all, of 
my extension bindings seem to be broken. I also upgraded Midnight Commander 
after that, because of this problem. However the problem did not go away.

I know that the failure is specific because the bindings for .tex files and 
.dvi files still work.

What is in particular broken is all of the bindings that I can test here, for 
image files. Specifically, the association of ppm and jpeg files to the command 
"display" (from the ImageMagick package) will no longer function. This in spite 
of the fact that a command such as

"display aox_pic001.ppm" or "display SmallPhotoWindoze.jpeg"

does continue to work just fine from the command line.

It could be that the problem is coming from "display" of course. If so, then it 
is obviously not the fault of MC. Nevertheless, it is then a question of how to 
figure out which program is causing the difficulties -- which in my case do 
seriously cause a pain in the neck because I am a camera software developer and 
thus need to open lots of image files. Thus, if it is suspected that the 
"display" application is causing this and not MC, I would nevertheless 
appreciate any help in figuring out whether that is the case or not.

Theodore Kilgore
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