Check under the /home/yourname/.mc directory for a file 
just called ini. In mine it has the following line:


When I press F4 on a file I get cooledit as my default 
built-in editor.

See also

# man mcedit

for details of the built-in default mc editor, which is 
called cooledit.

I can also run the mc editor as a stand-alone editor,
by typing


at the command line. This is on Fedora Core 6.

Kind Regards

Keith Roberts

On Tue, 21 Aug 2007, Justin Zygmont wrote:

> To: Keith Roberts <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> From: Justin Zygmont <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Subject: Re: colors
> It seemed, typing mc -c did the trick.  In solaris the $TERM was already 
> xterm, but some things are still different.  The page up key just enters 
> a tilde at the command line, F4 to edit seems to take the variable for 
> the default editor (vi).
> On Tue, 21 Aug 2007, Keith Roberts wrote:
>> I had a similar problem under Fedora Core 6. This bug
>> report may point you in the right direction:
>> Regards
>> Keith
>> On Mon, 20 Aug 2007, Justin Zygmont wrote:
>>> To:
>>> From: Justin Zygmont <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>>> Subject: colors
>>> Does anyone know why mc doesn't show colors in solaris?  I miss losing 
>>> the
>>> same features i've been so used to in linux.
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