On Thu, 6 Sep 2007, Iain Mac Donald wrote:

> To: mc@gnome.org
> From: Iain Mac Donald <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Subject: Re: GNU Midnight Commander maintainer
> On Wed, 05 Sep 2007 14:14:45 +0200
> "Pavel Tsekov" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> I am writing this message to inform you that Pavel Roskin,
>> the long time maintainer and developer of GNU Midnight Commander,
>> decided to step down as a maintainer. I hope that you'll join me
>> to wish Pavel luck in whatever he pursues next.
> Absolutely! For me MC is the best file manager available on any
> platform. Thanks to the efforts of Pavel, and others, typing the two
> letters "mc" in my terminal instantly increases my productivity.

I agree with that as well - absolutely. mc is the first 
package I install after a fresh upgrade/install of Linux. I 
think mc should also be included on Linux rescue CD's too. 
Vi(m) is a pain for me. AFAIK it has no file or directory 
browsing capabilities like mc.

Kind Regards

Keith Roberts

>> The FSF following a recommendation from Pavel Roskin appointed me
>> as the new project maintainer. I hope that I'll be able to justify
>> their trust and live up to the expectations of MC's users.
>> Pavel Tsekov
> Congratulations and good luck to you too.


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