> Hi
> I'm located in Iceland, so there are allot of special characters like "? ? ?
> ? ?" in my filenames.  While MC usualy doesn't have problems with these,
> then problems arise if the the file names are on a mounted smb volume, which
> was mounted in MC.
> Then MC displays these characters all as "?".    This error does only occur
> if I mount the SMB share through the internal MC smb client.  If I instead
> mount the share myself using the mount command, then I don't get this error.
> A solution to this would be to just mount my shares in the terminal, and
> then access them trough MC, but for some reason I'we a hard time trying to
> mount my MAC OS X shares through the terminal (these are smb, but not afp
> shares). Maybe because they changed smb to cifs?  But I can access my smb
> shares easily through programs like MC and Krusader.
> So anyone know how to fix this problem in MC, or if it's even possible?

If there's one thing I've learned from using MC, it's that problems with 
it can stem from the oddest corners of our systems.

My first suggestion would be, if your MC has SMB support compiled in, to 
go over 'smb.conf' with a 20x loupe and a louse comb. If I recall 
correctly, MC reads that to set up its client.

Try these charset values for a starter if they aren't already in there:
    character set = ISO8859-1
    client code page = 850

Or maybe 'client code page = 861' or even '819' will suit you better. 
Legacy code page... GAGH!

Reynir H. Stefánsson ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
"My latest invention: The computer."
    "What's it do?"
"Ten million mistakes per second."
    "Wouldn't it have been easier to elect a president?"


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