Well, right now i edited my ~/.mc/menu file so when i press F2 i get a menu
with my additions, but the thing is, that i need that depending on the
selected file when i press F2, the menu displays the corresponding options
depending on the file type, but i barely understand the conditions and
subconditions thing... This i make works, but no matter what file type i
press F2, always i get the same menu... With everything! =(

Any help appreciated! =)

My "~/.mc/menu" file

####             ####
#### Added by me ####
####             ####

#### Video File Menu ####

+ f \.avi$ | f \.mpg$ | f \.mpeg$ | f \.mkv$ | f \.ts$ | f \.rm$ | f
\.vob$ | f \.rmvb$ | f \.flv$ | f \.wmv | f \.ram | f \.mp4 | f \.asf
| f \.ogm | f \.m2v | f \.evo$ $ & t n
1       ffmpeg -i (show audio/video info)
        ffmpeg -i %f

2       vlc
        vlc %f

3       Encode to h264 hq 96 700
        enc2h264 hq 96 700 %f

#### Audio File Menu ####

+ f \.wav$ | f \.mp3$ | f \.au$ | f \.aiff$ | f \.snd$ | f \.mp2$ | f
\.flac$ | f \.wma$ | f \.snd$ | f \.mpc$ | f \.ac3$ | f \.mid$ | f
\.ogg$ $ & t n
1       mplayer
        mplayer %f

2       aplay
        aplay %f

3       ffmpeg -i (show audio/video info)
        ffmpeg -i %f

4       audacity
        audacity %f

5       Encode to *.mp3
        enc2mp3 %f

#### Disk Image File Menu ####

+ f \.iso$ | f \.ccd$ | f \.img$ | f \.nrg$ | f \.mdf$ | f \.cue$ | f
\.bin$ | f \.daa$ | f \.b6t$ | f \.b6i$ & t r & ! t t
1       mountiso
        mountiso %f &

2       isomaster
        isomaster %f

3       Convert BIN to ISO
        bin2iso %f

4       Poweriso convert image to ISO
        all2iso %f

5       Convert CCD to ISO
        myccd2iso %f

#### Image File Menu ####

+ f \.jpg$ | f \.jpeg$ | f \.bmp$ | f \.png$ | f \.gif$ | f \.svg$ & t r & ! t t
1       feh
        feh %f

2       gimp
        gimp %f

3       gqview
        gqview %f

4       mirage
        mirage %f

#### PDF File Menu ####

+ f \.pdf$ & t r & ! t t
1       epdfview
        epdfview %f

2       xpdf
        xpdf %f

#### Text File Menu ####

+ f \.txt$ | f \.nfo$ | f \.cfg$ | f \.log$ | f \.srt$ | f \.sub$ | f
\.ssa$ & t r & ! t t
1       leafpad
        leafpad %f

#### Archive File Menu ####

+ f \.zip$ | f \.gz$ | f \.rar$ | f \.bz2$ | f \.tgz$ | f \.7z$ | f
\.ace$ & t r & ! t t
1       xarchiver
        xarchiver %f

2       Extract *.tar.gz
        tar -xzvf %f

3       Extract *.tar.bz2
        tar -xjvf %f

4       Extract *.rar Full Path
        unrar x %f

5       Extract *.rar Current Dir
        unrar e %f

6       Extract *.zip
        unzip %f

7       Extract *.7z Full Path
        7z x %f

8       Extract *.7z Current Dir
        7z e %f

9       Extract *.ace Full Path
        unace x %f

a       Extract *.ace Current Dir
        unace e %f

b       Extract *.rar in *.rar_dir directory
        unrar2dir %f

c       Extract *.zip in *.zip_dir directory
        unzip2dir %f

d       Pacman Install Package
        sudo pacman -A %f

e       Pacman Upgrade Package
        sudo pacman -U %f

#### Windows Executable File Menu ####

+ f \.exe$ | f \.bat$ | f \.msi$ & t r & ! t t
1       wine
        wine %f

#### Internet File Menu ####

+ f \.htm$ | f \.html$ | f \.php$ | f \.asp$ & t r & ! t t
1       kazehakase
        kazehakase %f

2       swiftfox
        swiftfox %f

#### Document File Menu ####

+ f \.doc$ | f \.rtf$ | f \.php$ | f \.asp$ & t r & ! t t
1       abiword
        abiword %f

2       OpenOffice Writer
        soffice -writer %f

#### Spread Sheet File Menu ####

+ f \.xls$ | f \.csv$ & t r & ! t t
1       gnumeric
        gnumeric %f

#### Presentation File Menu ####

+ f \.ppt$ | f \.pps$ & t r & ! t t
1       OpenOffice Impress
        soffice -impress %f

#### Java File Menu ####

+ f \.jar$ & t r & ! t
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