
On Sat, 2 Aug 2008 14:59:50 +0100 (BST)
Keith Roberts <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Well under Fedora and KDE I have 18 desktops running. I can 
> then use the Konsole program (an X terminal program for 
> KDE) to open 3 or more tabs, each with a different version 
> of mc running. Double clicking on the Konsole tab allows me 
> to rename that tab to something helpfull so I don't get 
> lost.

For me, the natural choice if you want to be with the hands over your keyboard
is gnu screen. You can open as many screen windows as you want, and copy/paste
things between them. There are many ways to copy the selection buffer to 
X buffer you need (for example, binding the thing to xclip or xsel)

You can define a hardstatus line to see where you are, as well. There's a lot
more about screen that can't be sumed up on a simple mail. For more info,
subscribe to the relevant mailing list and ask there:


Jesús Guerrero <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

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