On Thu, 11 Dec 2008, Viktor Štujber wrote:

Just wanted to add that as soon as I disable the '[x] build with SLang
library' option, the issue goes away. I would really like to debug the
problem myself but I don't have any suitable unix dev environment to
do so (plus it's very hard to do any GUI debugging when the project
only uses makefiles).

what does it build with in that case?

On Thu, Dec 4, 2008 at 22:29, Viktor Štujber <theultram...@gmail.com> wrote:
Hello again. Has there been any progress with identifying the cause of
this issue and how to resolve it?
Both me (using PuTTY) and a friend (using ) only see blank spaces
where line drawing chars are supposed to be. This affects panels,
dropdown menus and popup boxes. Mode -a only covers the panels and
doesn't look as good as the original. I tried googling for an answer
but the few hits didn't help solve the problem.

On Sat, May 17, 2008 at 7:46 PM, Viktor Štujber <theultram...@gmail.com> wrote:
Greetings. I come with an issue that has appeared circa 4 weeks ago,
when the freebsd ports 'mc' makefile was extended with UTF-8 support.


This modified the mc dependencies, which now require libslang2. But
when using this library, the lines around the navigation panels no
longer appear, instead there are only blank spaces. This makes mc
harder to use.

I asked some bsd people about this, and got a suggestion to remove the
dependency and instead use the previous libslang version. This seems
to work, but the ┤character is not displayed properly. Also this
change might produce undefined behavior since it's untested.

Therefore I'd like to ask for advice from the professionals here.

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