Hi there :)

I've a strange behaviour when I connect to a ftp server running nullFTP. Right after the login, while reading the remote directory I got a set of red-error pop-ups saying:

┌───────────────── Cannot parse: ──────────────────┐
│ │
│ 07-06-09 10:39AM <DIR> External. │
│ │

And then I get the empty panel, with no dirs/files.

But if I use the plain command-line ftp, I get:

331 Hello quasar, please provide a password
230 You have logged in
Remote system type is Windows_NT.
ftp> ls
200 PORT command successful
150 Opening binary mode data connection for /bin/ls

07-06-09 10:39AM <DIR> External
08-10-09 03:16PM 0 ftp2.txt
06-29-09 02:34PM <DIR> FxPeople
08-10-09 03:21PM <DIR> IT
06-05-09 03:29PM <DIR> ProfessionalServices
06-29-09 02:33PM <DIR> Sales
08-03-09 03:17PM <DIR> SwLibrary
226 Transfer complete

I guess there's a problem parsing the dir, because of NT-based file-system. Is there a way to fix this behaviour?

Thx a lot
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