On Sun, 29 Nov 2009, Yury V. Zaytsev wrote:

On Sun, 2009-11-29 at 13:39 -0600, Theodore Kilgore wrote:

Thanks. Now if someone can specify exactly which code version this is and
exactly where to get it?

select_flags = ...

/* selection flags */
typedef enum {
   SELECT_FILES_ONLY = 1 << 0,
   SELECT_MATCH_CASE = 1 << 1,
} select_flags_t;

I guess I am not out of the woods, yet. Two things:

1. I updated the git tree, re-compiled, and re-installed. No problem about that. But then I looked in my ini file, and I see no such option as

select_flags =

The only thing which comes up when searching the file for "select" is


which would seem quite irrelevant.

OK, so I thought perhaps extreme measures ought to be tried. I downloaded a clean copy of the git tree, and I did make uninstall on the old one and did make install on the new one. Then, on trying to make it work, I got an error message, that /usr/libexec/mc/mc-wrapper.sh can not be found. So apparently there is some funny business with the installer not putting a crucial file where it is supposed to be.

Fortunately, I have a Slackware tarball of an older version which works, so I am not left entirely without one of my favorite programs.

In any event, I could never find out how to enable the specific feature we have been discussing. Finding the lines in the code which you quoted earlier were not a big help in that regard.

Thus, not much progress, I am sorry to say.

Theodore Kilgore
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