On Thu, 17 Dec 2009, Marco Ciampa wrote:

To: mc@gnome.org
From: Marco Ciampa <ciam...@libero.it>
Subject: Re: KUDOS to the authors and maintainers

On Wed, Dec 16, 2009 at 08:35:49AM -0500, Masiar, Peter wrote:
KUDOS to the authors and maintainers!
The main praise must go to the original Norton commander concept/design,
which is a prime example of a design which was worth cloning and

Although original design was good, but even the best design would be
worthless without the excellent and dedicated volunteers who maintain
our favorite MC, keep it alive and add new features, bit by little bit.

So kudos to maintainers at the first place! Thank you for your dedication!
Yeah a BIG THANKS to you all!

I say Amen to that too :)

mc is the first program I install after a fresh Linux installation. I'm on fedora 12, and mc is now included on the F12 distribution DVD by default :)


I also install the legacy fonts in: bitmap-fonts-0.3-9.fc12.noarch.rpm

These work nicely in mc.

Kind Regards,

Keith Roberts


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