
In the latest versions of MC the tracking of the working directory
does not function in the same way as with previous versions.

Currently, every time I start MC, the same directory, /usr/libexec/mc,
shows in the left panel.  The right panel shows the directory from which
MC was started.

In previous versions, both panels would show the most recent directories
that were visited.  That is, if the left panel showed /dir1 and the right
panel showed /dir2, it would show these same directories again on start up.
But now, on start up, MC will always show /usr/libexec/mc in the left panel
and /dir2 in the right panel. 

What has changed in MC-4.7.x that causes this?  Can it be corrected?
Why does /usr/libexec/mc always now show in the left panel?

My system is configured the same as always.  My ~/.bashrc file contains
the line ". /usr/libexec/mc/mc.sh".

I am using the Gentoo version of MC, but a version of MC- that
I compiled myself behaves in the same way.

I use the directory tracking feature of MC to help me quickly navigate
the directory tree, but now this feature is half broken.

Andrew Zimmer
Mc mailing list

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