On Thu, Mar 25, 2010 at 07:21:33PM -0700, Daniel González Gasull wrote:
> Thanks, Stan, but it isn't working for me.  And other people are
> having the same problem:
> http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1083954
> I guess this is now offtopic in this list.  Feel free to reply in the
> forum thread above.

No, thanks, it's so ugly combine OpenID with forum...

rm command use unlinkat system call instead of overloaded unlink,
send FR to libtrash author or patch it yourself. For bash just
add alias to your rm command. And it's working in mc without any

Stan. S. Krupoderov 

(let ((*PRINT-BASE* 36))
(format T "~...@~a.~a" 71373391685091 27913917 16438))
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