On Sun, Sep 19, 2010 at 5:29 PM, Paul Marwick <paul.marw...@gmail.com> wrote:
> I've recently hit a problem trying to read iso files with MC. Looking at
> /etc/mc/mc.ext, viewing iso contents is handled by this code:
> # ISO9660
> regex/\.([iI][sS][oO])$
>        Open=%cd %p#iso9660
>        View=%view{ascii} isoinfo -l -i %f
> I'm not sure if this is a recent version, but under Salix, isoinfo is
> provided by cdrtools-2.01.01a78 (a Slackware package). Using this, a number
> of iso files give a series of parsing errors, followed by a double message
> setting UTF.8 to match locale settings. After these messages are passed, an
> empty directory is shown - nothing of the contents of the iso is displayed.

I'm using mc 4.7.4 with cdrtools 3.00 and have similar parsing errors,
but not UTF error. This happens only on some ISO files.

(There are also some files with .iso filename but are not valid ISO
format according to isoinfo. For example I have an ISO downloaded from
Microsoft that isoinfo cannot recognize.)

These 2 linux distro ISO's have different results.

openSUSE-11.2-DVD-x86_64.iso is displayed properly, here are the first
few rows from isoinfo -l -i:

Directory listing of /
d---------   0    0    0       6144 Nov  6 2009 [     29 02] .
d---------   0    0    0       6144 Nov  6 2009 [     29 02] ..
----------   0    0    0    7803134 Nov  6 2009 [  18798 00] ARCHIVES.GZ;1
----------   0    0    0         88 Oct 30 2009 [  22609 00] AUTORUN.INF;1
d---------   0    0    0       2048 Nov  6 2009 [     32 02] BOOT
----------   0    0    0    8550086 Nov  6 2009 [  22610 00] CHANGELO.;1

Sabayon_Linux_5.2_amd64_K.iso is not, MC displays parsing errors, but
it looks similar in isoinfo:
Directory listing of /
d---------   0    0    0       2048 Mar 25 2010 [    356 02] .
d---------   0    0    0       2048 Mar 25 2010 [    356 02] ..
----------   0    0    0         95 Dec  4 2009 [    381 00] AUTORUN.INF;1
d---------   0    0    0       2048 Mar 25 2010 [    364 02] BOOT
d---------   0    0    0       4096 Mar 21 2010 [    362 02] ISOLINUX
----------   0    0    0          0 Feb 20 2009 [    -16 00] LIVECD.;1
----------   0    0    0 2119929856 Mar 25 2010 [    382 00] LIVECD.SQUASHFS;1

The first parsing error is displayed for every line starting with the
first file (.)
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