Would it be inapropriate to do small collaborative projects on this MaiList?

It seems a pity for different/isolated mc-users not sharing their efforts.
Also combined effort/oversight could bring all the projects UP to the highest
agreed-upon level. Eg. perhaps there's a suggestion for improving one
that I did:
 cleanup the use of the ">"/cite when due to line wrap/overflow you get:
> a too long line being cut without consideration of
> the 'cite'
> char; which is auto-inserted.

So now if I F3/select the 3 above lines and do: shift/F9 [for F19] I get:
> a too long line being cut without consideration of the 'cite' char;
> which is auto-inserted.

Perhaps a translator from:

>>>>>>> Why did you stop?
>>>>>> Because I got tired.
7> Why did you stop?
6> Because I got tired.
 would be an interesting extension to my simple hack, which just uses
IIRC sed and fmt. Of course this is only for Linux users.

A util that I need is:
* take the first 'number': N ; in this line, eg 23 from
   [23]Update Kernel with URPMI : done or not ?
 and search-down, for the first:  "23. http://";
  ie. "Nstring.http://";
 and append 'that' "http://  ... <eol>" to a <file>.

BTW altho' I'm far from a *nix expert, the 'data-transforming/piping'
programming style of: A -> B -> C -> D  where all the control branches/loops
are hidden in the given/system existing utils A,B,C,D,
is well worth learning and using.

An example, which I initiated, and was refined by others on a *linux*
Newsgroup [that's also why I think collaborative tasks on this List would be
profitable for all] was:
list all the files in the current tree:
  which are less than <last wednesday When I was reading the now-lost file> old
  and which contain "apple"
  and also contain "banana"
  and also contain "cabbage"

== TIA.

PS. it seems that to hang a whole bunch of utilities [to process the selected
mcedit's <lines>] one needs to have a branching-menu.
And I've just realised that 'my task' seems not suitable, because the <F19>
is designed to work on the <selected text stretch> which is passed to it.

PSS. I didn't find the macro's much good for tasks that need to call the
F-keys. IIRC it stops in the macro to enter data.
Does any body else use macros which call F-keys?
Can you give proven working ones to test/confirm/understand?
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