On Fri, 5 Aug 2011, Keith Roberts wrote:

To: mc@gnome.org
From: Keith Roberts <ke...@karsites.net>
Subject: Smarty Syntax Highlighting File?

I'm running Centos 5.6 and the version of mc is this:

Name       : mc
Arch       : i386
Epoch      : 1
Version    : 4.6.1a
Release    : 35.el5

I'm trying to learn how to use Smarty PHP Template Engine, to seperate the server sided logic from the browser display logic, using Smarty templates.

I cannot see a syntax hightlighting file for Smarty code in the mc syntax directory. Has this been done yet?

If not, how can I write my own Smarty syntax highlighting file please?

So if I write my own Smarty syntax file for mc, how do I tell mcedit to use this syntax file for a Smarty template file named guestbook1.tpl ?

The Smarty template files will begin with the following comment:

{* Smarty *}

Kind Regards,

Keith Roberts


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