chris glur <> writes:

> --------------
>> 2. The ghost tabs and ghost single space characters are not 
>> transferred........................................
>>    anywhere else when mouse-paste is done........
> You mean an exta comminication between the mouse-paster and the editor?
> Such complications are to be avoided.

We already have them. You have to shift click to copy and paste with the
mouse. Should we get rid of that as well? I have a good old friend who
detests syntax highlighting - he did most of his programming before they
became popular. Many people consider a spell checker bloat. 

You have to realize that you're arbitrarily drawing a line as to what's
acceptable and what's "artsy". Anything beyond Edlin's capabilities is
artsy to some. 

>>  I understand that there is an option to turn these ghost characters on,
>> or to turn them off.
> GOOD! Show me how ?

In the editor, press F9, go to Options and then General. Then outside of
the editor go to Options and "Save Setup" - this will ensure the
behavior is saved for future Midnight Commander sessions. 

Given that it can be turned off, is there still a problem here? I can
understand it would be a serious usability issue if one can't and your
grievances would have a lot more weight, but I think it's fine as it is
as long as the user can choose it. I suppose one could argue which
should be the default mode.

> No. My requiremet trumps yours.
> The most primitive requirement is UNIQUE.
> All further fancy-facilities are merely ONE of an infinite fad posibility.

And some of those fancy-facilities is why people use Midnight

Also, I'll add that Midnight Commander lets you use a different editor
if mcedit doesn't suit your needs, which makes things much more flexible
for the user. 

In an Astronomy class (toward an Astronomy major, not that gen-ed
rubbish) the professor did not tell us we would have to remember
constants, and he asked them as questions. They were short questions,
and weren't worth a lot.

One of them was: What is the orbital period of Saturn? (2 pts/100)

I started thinking about Bode's law and the posibility I could calculate
it from an approximate radius I would get from that law... if I could
remember it. But when you expect a 72% to be an A on a test, you have
bigger fish to fry.

Then I got it. It was right, it should work, and no one would have to be
nailed to anything.

I wrote: One Saturn-Year

I didn't get credit for it. A couple years later a sophomore was telling
me about this funny question he had in the same class. He showed it to
me. It read:

What is the orbital period of Saturn? (Do not put one Saturn-Year)

I was so right that it had to be guarded against. Yet those were 2
points I would never have.

(as told by SetupWeasel on Slashdot)

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