On Thu, 22 Nov 2012 11:25:02 +0100 LONGUEPEE Pascal wrote:
> Hi, we are using for a long time mc on linux , now we just install it on AIX .
> On Aix , mc quit when we press F10 without changing the current dir to the 
> last
> displayed dir within mc. We don't find any obvouis solution on web ( ini
> parameter ?) ..... Can you tell use if it's possible on aix?

This question is for mc@ mailing list.

mc is child process for shell, and it just unable itself to change working
directory of parent (shell) process.

In order to keep last mc working directory in shell after exit, the shell
wrapper is used. Typically, it is installed in /usr/libexec/mc directory.
You can find some info in the mc manual page in the description of -P/--printwd

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