OK then: list the steps to remove all the
RE:  \[[0-9]+\]
from the textfile, using `vim`.

On 10/24/13, tooth pik <toothp...@gmail.com> wrote:
> On Wed, Oct 23, 2013 at 06:41:03PM +0200, chris glur wrote:
>> Why didn't I get a reply to this query:
> I suspect a large percentage of mc users configure mc to use vim for
> internal edits.
>> -> mc -> F4 -> Replace
>> ---
>> Replace using RegExp: \[[0-9]+\]
>>  with <space>
>> ---
>> I haven't had seg-errors lately, with small files.
>> And what about the spell check?
>> Doesn't anybody ever use it.
> I for one don't, no -- since I can seamlessly configure mc to use vim as
> the internal editor, which has spellchecking, syntax highlighting, and
> is arguably the most powerful and user configurable editor in the world,
> why would I even think about using mc's editor?
> --
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