Even with mc, you may still have had to create a destination directory
anyhow. But yes, in general I agree mc's pretty good at things like that.

Regards, BrickViking

On 18 December 2015 at 02:03, chris glur <crg...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Seems ok, but must first: `mkdir dst`
> Using mc, artificially hides such absurd syntax/requirements.
> Thanks,
> ==Chris Glur
> On 12/16/15, Andrey Gursky <andrey.gur...@e-mail.ua> wrote:
> > On Mon, 14 Dec 2015 19:26:52 +0200
> > chris glur <crg...@gmail.com> wrote:
> >
> >> ... so, of course I usd mc to copy the file-tree,
> >> then I noticed that mc showed:--
> >> |/.dbus           |   4096|Dec  9 17:25|
> >> |/.gnuzilla       |   4096|Dec  9 17:25|
> >> |/.kde            |   4096|Dec  9 17:26|
> >> |/.links          |   4096|Dec 10 15:29|
> >> |/.mc             |   4096|Dec 12 12:04|
> >> |/.mozilla        |   4096|Dec  9 17:25|
> >> |/.pan2           |   4096|Dec 14 18:52|
> >> |/.wilybak        |   4096|Dec 11 19:08|
> >> |/.xine           |   4096|Dec  9 17:25|
> >> | .Xauthority     |    103|Dec  9 16:39|
> >> | .bash_history   |     43|Dec 11 11:07|
> >> | .blackboxrc     |   1425|Dec 11 17:52|
> >> | .servera~h.13990|     54|Dec  9 16:39|
> >> | .xinitrc        |    530|Dec  9 16:39|
> >> | KogiRootDir     |    931|Dec 12 12:04|
> >>
> >>    and then I remembered that instead of copying the whole tree, there
> was
> >> only
> >> a file: KogiRootDir     |    931.
> >>
> >> It seems that the problem is related to:
> >>   `ls /*` does NOT show <dotted Files> by default;
> >> whereas mc  is much better.
> >>
> >> Still I want to know how to do this simple task as a command-line.
> >
> > Hi Chris,
> >
> > to show really *a*ll files, you can use ls -a.
> >
> > To copy all files you can use:
> > cp -r src/* src/.[^.]* src/..?* dst/
> > which means all files not beginning with a dot and all files beginning
> with
> > a dot but not a .. file (which is a parent directory) and all files
> starting
> > with ..
> > By the way, you'd want to use -a argument to preserve file attributes
> (mode,
> > ownership, timestamps, links,..).
> >
> > Regards,
> > Andrey
> >
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