On 9/18/16, Fourhundred Thecat <400the...@gmx.ch> wrote:
> Hello,
> I am using different date formats for "timeformat_recent" and
> "timeformat_old":
>   [Misc]
>   timeformat_recent=%b %e  %H:%M
>   timeformat_old=%Y %b %e  %H:%M
> which gives me nice, clean dates, where new files are immediately
> distinguished from older ones:
>        Sep  3  15:13
>   2016 Mar 10  19:57
> that works great, except that "timeformat_old" is used for files 6
> months or older.
> I would like to change it to 1 year or older, so that for newer files
> (less than one year), I don't see the year.
> How can I do it ?

One possibility is to modify MC's source code:


Change the "6L" (six months) to "12L".

(Another possibility is to use mc^2 and describe the logic with Lua.
This gives you more freedom than a fixed "1 year ago". For example,
here's a snippet that shows your timeformat_recent only for files
modified in 2016:
https://gist.github.com/mooffie/de41af651f9383c3bd38f0f6259522a0 )
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