Thank you for the feedback. I am familiar with being annoyed when your distro of choice has a crap version of something and doesn't seem to care. Use the source, Luke.

I wonder what Peter Norton's file manager of choice these days is.

I've never met Peter Norton. I think I installed some Norton software in the 90s. I don't recall much about it or him so I have nothing to compare. I think there is a nc clone/wannabee out there somewhere, but mc is only similar by accident - the 2 panel thing. Apparently it is a "visual shell for *nix environments", not a "file manager", although I categorize it as one, like most users I think. midnight commander has its origins from the 90s too. It sucked far worse back then.

The one thing I like above all with this project over similar ones, is the pure hackablility of mc. It's pretty easy to familiarize yourself with the code and make it do whatever you think it should within a fairly short period of time. There are numerous examples of some pretty impressive "hacks". mc2 and mc-tabs come to mind immediately.

Regarding these 4 issues, In My Humble Opinion:

>> #1: - copies are made in the disk order, instead of taking the sort order that is chosen for the display

I have wondered why this is the case myself. I can see the odd situation I would want to preserve disk order, but certainly not the majority of cases. At minimum it should be option. I have some recollection of a discussion about this issue on this very list back some years. It involves creating a temporary file list (and stat()ing a massive directory tree possibly) and parsing it according to arbitrary criteria. In this case, panel sort order. The list parsing can have some advanced options. Or each directory can be parsed as it is encountered (spread the delays out over entire operation). Alphabetical sort can be done with dirent, but any other criteria involves stat() or even more slow disk access stuff.

Note here that the order in which files are copied still does not mean much about the disk order they end up in on the destination drive. Maybe some filesystems it does, but not mine. I can copy files one by one and they still end up in whatever order the underlying hardware wants them in.

>> #2: - when some of the files are allready on destination, and one choses to skip, their number and volume should be substracted from the total count/size. In that way the estimates mean something.

This means you encountered one of many error conditions. And handling this involves re-parsing the remaining file list according to numerous arbitrary criteria, and can be very time consuming. Just creating the file list can be very time consuming. The test results in some cases are from trying to write the file. This is not practical on large listings and many network connections. Running estimates on lengthy file operations are nearly impossible in many situations, especially when speed is important, and can easily exceed the actual copy itself.

Maybe option reparse_eta_on_error[=No]? Either that or have some grotty list of arbitrary file parse criteria where we do various things depending on error condition, file sizes, number, type of connection, etc. in order to maintain the running tally. And if we're going to go there, then create a big dialog or scripting capability where you can specify stuff like "if (!file.error || file.dest.exists && file.dest.size > 3k && == "foobar" && file.src.mtime.secs -gt `date +%s 2>/dev/null` ) then cp -vf %f >> file.log endif".

Personally, I use it as a gauge of bytes transferred and not much more.

The ETA is exactly that: some estmation, and your mileage may vary, as they say. Basically it means: Should I sit here, or can I make tea? This should be in FAQ.

Both of these can slow the copy/move operation considerably. Fastest method consistently is disk-order/no-scan-files.

Both could be enabled by UNchecking fast_copy_mode and enabling a bunch of arbitrary widgets and sort methods. Perhaps this is the answer, at least enable panel-sort-mode because it's such a common request.

Option #1 and #2 work well together on fairly small numbers of files, but you certainly want them turned off for the transfer of large numbers of files. This could be option also, enable-fast-copy-when-file-qty-exceeds... n ?

>> #3: - the move function still copies all, before removing the files, meaning that we gain nothing in volume until all has been copied

Again, this can really slow things down. Imagine 250,000 small files. Without option, you get copy of all data, then single long delete process to finish. With option, last data transfer is not made until the 2nd to last operation. Removal is less important than getting the data to destination.This could be move dialog option remove-source-on-fly, default = OFF. Good for large files/small numbers.

>> #4. - the move function doesn't give an estimate during it's work

My move works fine. Must be your version. What is it and how did it find it's way into your distro?

On 2016-10-14 14:27, Rikishi 42 wrote:
On 14/10/16 15:35, chris glur wrote:
......the presence of very basic defects in the file
management functions.

Please describe some of these.

- copies are made in the disk order, instead of taking the sort order that is chosen for the display - when some of the files are allready on destination, and one choses to skip, their number and volume should be substracted from the total count/size. In that way the estimates mean something. - the move function still copies all, before removing the files, meaning that we gain nothing in volume until all has been copied
- the move function doesn't give an estimate during it's work

I think some of these bugs might have been removed from the latest mc, but I can't find a recent update for Linux Mint. How do you expect feedback from people, if most of them can't get recent releases?

Peace and Cheer
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