On 10/15/16, Yury V. Zaytsev <y...@shurup.com> wrote:
> On Fri, 14 Oct 2016, Rikishi 42 wrote:
>> [snip]
> This could be an interesting feature to implement: if I remember
> correctly, Volkov Commander did that [...] it removed the selection
> dynamically from the files already copied, so you could literally see how
> your files float from one directory to another.

Good news: MC already does this. But it doesn't repaint the panel, so
you don't see anything happening there.

I wrote little snippet for mc^2 to repaint the screen as files get unmarked:


(You can also drag the progress dialog to see the file list beneath.)

> if I remember correctly, Volkov Commander did that [...]

I know this feature from Dos Navigator. Seeing this was a huge wonder
for me. Like seeing Wolfenstein 3D for the 1st time. I was a teenager
in school back then and I couldn't understand how text partially
obscured by the dialog above it (the progress dialog) could change. It
even worked when the shadow of the dialog fell on it!
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