On 24/06/2019 12:28, Alex Sviridov via mc wrote:
Hi all,

Please, consider the following listing:
1) I run local MC and press Ctrl+O to enter to terminal
2) I run ssh to some server.
3) On server side I run remote MC and press Ctrl+O to enter to server terminal.

However, instead of remote server terminal I get local MC.
Could anyone say if this is my mistake or this is a bug and how to fix it?

I think this is your mistake. You are running SSH from within the MC shell. It will still have control over the terminal in which it was started, and CTRL-O will be intercepted by that terminal, not by the MC running on the remote. While its not something I do often, I've sometimes used the MC shell in the same way so that I can perform some operation on a remote, then used the MC fish option to transfer files to or from the remote. In every instance, the local MC remains in control of the session.

As to fixing it, I don't think it is fixable - I would say it is working as designed.


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