The ticket is waiting for its hero for more than a decade:

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> On 21. Nov 2019, at 09:57, Jürgen Weber <> wrote:
> Hi,
> Currently the user config replaces the global config, so the user
> config has to contain everything instead of only the user adapted
> values.
> I think mc's configuration system should be changed so that
> ~/.config/mc/ and /etc/mc/ are merged with the first having
> precedence.
> if the user changes an option in the gui, mc would write the changed
> option to the user config.
> If the new option value is equal to the one in the (global+compiled
> in) ini, then mc should remove the option from the user ini.
> Old local copies of the global options would therefore be cleaned on saving.
> Also, there should be a command line option to show the active (==
> merged) options.
> from the current 4.8.22 man page:
> At  startup,  Midnight  Commander  tries  to  load  initialization
> information from the ~/.config/mc/ini file.  If this file doesn't
> exist,  the  system-wide  file  /etc/mc/mc.ini  is  used.  If  this
> file  doesn't  exist,  the  system-wide   file /usr/share/mc/mc.ini is
> used. If this file doesn't exist, MC uses the default settings.
> after the change:
> At  startup,  Midnight  Commander  loads initialization information
> from the ~/.config/mc/ini file and the system-wide  file
> /etc/mc/mc.ini. Options from the former override the system-wide
> options. If an option is not found in either config file, MC uses the
> default settings.
> What do you think?
> Greetings,
> Juergen
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