
I'm a long-time enthusiastic user of mc, using it on a number of virtual and bare metal machines. For one particular new machine with a fresh install of Ubuntu 18.04, I have now come across a strange issue:

When I open a console on the machine, I can start mc. However, via putty, starting mc just brings up a black screen with the standard upper right corner (one character) in the upper right and the "Hint: Want your plain shell? Press C-o, and get back to MC with C-o again." text at the bottom. That putty window is totally unresponsive.

I am using the same putty configuration that I am using with dozens of other machines (incl. Ubuntu 18.04) and that works just fine there. I have tried deleting ~/.config/mc, and I have also tried upgrading from the stock MC version provided by Ubuntu 18.04 to the newest release version. No change.

I also tried using the Bitvise SSH client and the ssh client built into Windows 10 instead of putty, but am running into the same problem. mc does show, however, in termius on iOS.

If anybody has a hint on what I might try to get MC running from remote on that particular machine, that would be great!

Thanks, Chris
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