Am Sun, 13 Sep 2020 17:45:08 -0400
schrieb Alan Corey via mc <>:

> I've been using mc for 20 years or more and only seen this in the last
> couple weeks.  I use rxvt as my terminal emulator mostly.  I could
> navigate to where I wanted another terminal in mc, then type rxvt &
> and a new independent window would open there.  I could close the
> original window and the new one stayed open.
> Now whenever I close the parent one all the children close too, even
> though I remember the & to make it independent.  At first I wasn't
> sure it was happening.  I just did this: type mc in an rxvt, type rxvt
> & in the new one, hit F10 in the original and the new one closes.  The
> new one somehow depends on mc still running, lxterminal works the same
> way.
> This is mc 4.8.22 in Rasbian Buster, I mostly only install it from the
> debs.  Some routine apt-get update and upgrade did this.
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Hi Alan,

only an idea for workaround: use "nohup" so your rxvt should be really 

(man nohup)

cu jth


Joerg Thuemmler
mc mailing list

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